Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Initial Disclaimer

This is the first of possibly many blogs that I will post here. I only post when I feel like it, or when I'm bored and have nothing better to do. You will not find me on twitter, myspace, facebook, or any other social networking site. Been there, done that, moved on. I have no desire to share every waking moment with the world. Besides, I don't think you want me on twitter posting "8:30 am - Just had 3rd cup of coffee, going to take a crap now. 8:45 am - Legs asleep, cant get up. 8:50 am - out of toilet paper, used magazine pages".
Also, I don't give a fuck about what everyone else is doing every second of thier life. People on these sites just for the sake of "everyone else is doing it" is a loser. And if you think I fall into that category, fine with me. It's your opinion, so post it right next to mine. I will occasionally piss people off, and I'm sure replies to my blogs will be appropriate. But do NOT comment to me acting as if your shit don't stink, or just being a dumbass. Valuable comments will be noted, others may be ignored. Try to sound somewhat educated, too. (Even if I don't.) Kids or adults commenting with "omg u r dumm" will be ignored, or mocked.
Got a question, just ask. Like my posts, keep reading. Hate my posts, don't keep reading just to make yourself mad and try to start a war of words, move on. (But if you do want to play a game of 'who's the bigger asshole', flex your typing finger, and go for it.)
Tune in again......

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